A Great Place To Live

A Great Place To Live

Animal Control

The City of Grandview contracts with the City of Sunnyside for Animal Control Services. You can always contact Grandview Police Department (509-882-2000) for any in-progress calls but will need to contact the Sunnyside Police Department (509-836-6628) to connect directly with the Animal Control Officer.

The City of Grandview receives 16 contract hours of animal control services per week. The Animal Control Officer’s workdays and times can vary every week. Please note that any event other than a life-safety emergency will be placed on a list and addressed when the Animal Control Officer is working a scheduled shift in Grandview.

Animal Control Phone Number: 509-836-6628


Links to Information About: Dangerous Dogs – see Title 6 Grandview Municipal Code

Licensing Your Dog

All dogs over the age of six (6) months of age must be licensed if you live in the city limits of Grandview.  Licenses are obtained at City Hall, 207 West Second Street.  Dogs must be inoculated for rabies within the last three (3) years.  Reminder letters for renewal of licenses are sent out each year on December 1.  The following fee schedule applies:
Spayed or Neutered (signature required)
$15.00 per year $20.00 for renewal after March 31st
Not Spayed or Neutered
$25.00 per year $30.00 for renewal after March 31st
Please contact the Grandview Police Department 509-882-2000 for animal control issues and if you plan to license dogs listed in the dangerous dogs category.
Other Animals:
No other animals require licenses within the City of Grandview, but there are restrictions for livestock (i.e. goats, chickens, etc).  Please see Grandview Municipal Code Title 6 for more information or contact City Hall, 207 West Second Street, 509-882-9200 for a printed copy of the regulation.